California Education Dialogue

A public policy dialogue produced by Information Renaissance
with support from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation,
IBM Corporation and Intel Corporation



About Dialogues

Briefing Book

Discussion Archive


Briefing Book



Alignment, coherence, coordination and similar words refer to a desire to make education at all levels work as one "seamless" system. As stated in P-16: The Next Great Education Reform (second entry below), "History and tradition have left us with a dysfunctional, disconnected American education system that lengthens the odds of success for the very students most in need of support and encouragement."

Alignment suggests that assessment, curriculum, instruction, educational materials, teacher preparation and accountability systems all need to be interrelated - and to "reflect and reinforce the educational program's objectives and standards." (EdSource Online Glossary)

"P-16," the idea of an integrated system from preschool through college, is much discussed. As the Working Group on Workforce Preparation and Business Linkages points out, however, linkages and information flows between schools and potential employers are also essential.

Related Issues:

Alignment is related to many of the topics in the Master Plan; the links below lead to pages on this site that give more information in selected areas.

If your organization has material that would be useful for the online dialogue but is not included in the preceding list, please e-mail a URL to <>.